Mysterious Network of Canals 4,000 Years Ago Predates the Maya

Mysterious Network of Canals 4,000 Years Ago Predates the Maya

A bird’s-eye view of South America’s Yucatán Peninsula has revealed a 4,000-year-old giant fish in the vast inland region of Belize. A long, winding network of canals and man-made ponds redevelops the wetland into what some researchers describe as a giant fish pond, covering 42 square kilometers (16 square miles) in extent. Excavation has yielded … Read more

Discover the 7 mysterious types of nutrition and why they matter

Discover the 7 mysterious types of nutrition and why they matter

Unravel the secrets behind the seven types of nutrition. From Autotrophic Nutrition to Heterotrophic Nutrition, Holozoic Nutrition, Saprophytic Nutrition, Parasitic Nutrition, Symbiotic Nutrition, and Mixotrophic Nutrition. Each type plays a specific role in providing the nutrients necessary for growth and maintenance. Credit: Pexels This article will explain the types of nutrients, their importance and some … Read more