Breakthrough In Preemptive Detection Of AI Hallucinations Reveals Vital Clues To Writing Prompts That Keep Generative AI From Freaking Out

Breakthrough In Preemptive Detection Of AI Hallucinations Reveals Vital Clues To Writing Prompts That Keep Generative AI From Freaking Out

Preemptive detection of AI hallucinations of type HK+ seems feasible and here are prompts that can … [+] help to keep those maladies at bay. getty In today’s column, I reveal an important insight concerning AI hallucinations and provide helpful recommendations regarding prompting techniques that can aid in curtailing them. In case you don’t already … Read more

Detection of the ocean floor at near-light-speed is possible with China’s sci-fi-like radar

Detection of the ocean floor at near-light-speed is possible with China’s sci-fi-like radar

Chinese scientists have made a breakthrough in underwater detection by creating a radio-emitting source in space using high-power microwave synthesis technology. This particular signal source, which can be called a ghost radar, can emit electromagnetic waves periodically traveling at the speed of light. Scientists said this in a study published on November 25 in the … Read more