Seniors Are Sharing the Forest But Common School Activities From the Past That Don’t Go Today

Seniors Are Sharing the Forest But Common School Activities From the Past That Don’t Go Today

School rules, regulations, and customs have certainly changed over time, but how much? Recently, Redditor u/ladidadi82 asked members of the Reddit Community to share common, everyday school experiences from “back then” that are not allowed today, and some of them are wild. Here are some answers that, depending on your age, will make you explore … Read more

China and India find common ground for ‘strategic recalibration’ after post-conflict thaw

China and India find common ground for ‘strategic recalibration’ after post-conflict thaw

The cooling of relations between China and India began with a pact to decommission troops on their disputed border in the Himalayas, laying the groundwork for a reunion between President Xi Jinping and Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the Brics summit in October. Last week, the two countries’ defense chiefs held talks in Laos and … Read more

Home and Natural Remedies for Common Diseases in Ghana

Home and Natural Remedies for Common Diseases in Ghana

In Ghana, like many other countries, people often turn to home remedies when they encounter common ailments. These remedies are often made from natural ingredients that are easily available and affordable, and have been passed down through the generations. Credit: Pixabay Some of the most commonly used treatments in Ghana include herbal teas, poultices, and … Read more