Supercharged Crystals for December in Gemini to Help You Manifest Clarity and Confidence.

Set your goals and get ready to brainstorm! With December in Gemini approaching, energy and enthusiasm build to high as Luna illuminates the sky at 23 degrees of this Air sign on December 15 at 4:01 am ET.

The full moon phase provides an opportunity to examine your journey and shed old thoughts or patterns that no longer serve you. Gemini’s Mutable energy encourages curiosity and communication, making this lunar event ideal for exploring new perspectives and gaining valuable insights.

However, since the moon favors Gemini, its dual nature challenges us to balance logic and intuition, especially with Mercury in its harm, Sagittarius – the ruler of this moon – almost until the last hours of retrograde.

Although retrograde energy is known to cause periods of overthinking and incommunicado, the full moon is giving us the opportunity to clear up scattered thoughts and our own truths.

Adding to the initial confusion is the T-square ruled by Neptune in Pisces, making a circle between the sun in Sagittarius and the moon in Gemini. This level of standardization emphasizes the importance of clear communication as it becomes increasingly difficult to discern truth from emotion.

This month’s energy may be at the root of your insecurities, but the crystals below can help you navigate through the fog while remaining true to yourself in the process.

Why should you charge your crystals during a full moon?

Charging crystals under the full moon is a powerful and ancient practice rooted in the belief that the moon’s energy can cleanse, amplify and expand the crystal.

During the full moon phase, the sun’s opposition to the moon represents the height of energy, clarity and intuition. The resistance and pull of gravity between the constantly shining lights creates a strong and powerful energy that is ideal for charging crystals, as it is believed to purify and enhance their natural qualities.

Moonlight is thought to raise the crystals’ vibrational frequencies, making them powerful tools for manifestation.

When is the best time to charge crystals for the month of December?

The full moon in Gemini will peak on December 15 at 4:01 am ET.

The best time to charge crystals on a full moon is during the night of the moon and the night around it. The maximum power of a full moon occurs when the moon is full, but the power can last for three days. Here are the best times to charge crystals:

The night before January: If you want to start early, the moon will be full at this time, and its power is already very strong.

The night of the full moon: This is a very powerful time to charge your crystals. The energy of the moon is at the top, providing plenty of lunar energy for your crystals to absorb.

The night after the full moon: The power of the full moon is still strong, and this night can be used if you miss the peak or want to extend the charging process.

What are the best crystals to charge for the month of December?

Charging crystals under a full moon allows you to tap into the powerful and transformative forces at play. With the moon reaching its peak in the intuitive and truth-driven sign of Gemini, it’s important to consider the themes of communication, as well as your thoughts and immediate environment, when setting goals you hope to manifest.

Here are four charging crystals and why they help:


Getty Moonstone

A stone of intuition, meditation and emotional balance, the moonstone is the perfect companion for a full moon in Gemini. Under the influence of this Air sign that works in the mind, it is easy to get caught up in overthinking or scattered thoughts. Moonstone gently encourages you to tap into your inner voice, helping you to trust your intuition within the powerful energy of this moon. It also promotes emotional stability, which can be especially helpful when considering Gemini’s dualistic nature, as it can easily stir up conflicting thoughts or feelings.


Irina Marwan/Getty citrine

Irina Marwan/Getty


Citrine is considered a crystal of positivity, abundance and mental clarity, making it an excellent choice for a full moon in Gemini. This powerful stone strengthens the mind and boosts confidence, helping to clear doubts and mental fog. The energy of Gemini tends to encourage a flood of ideas and possibilities, and citrine helps in focusing this creative flow into clear, achievable goals. Additionally, its uplifting vibration aligns with Gemini’s curiosity and adaptability, encouraging you to face challenges with optimism.

Blue Lace Agate

Getty Cutout of blue lace agate gemstone on white background


Cutout of blue lace agate gemstone on white background

Under a full moon in Gemini, the Mercury-ruled sign that focuses on words and emotions, blue lace agate can help you express your truth with clarity and grace. A calming stone known for its ability to ease communication and encourage self-expression, blue lace agate can also help you release stress or doubt about communication, ensuring that your thoughts are expressed clearly and truly.


Getty Sodalite

Sodalite is a powerful stone of truth, logic and intelligence, making it particularly effective under the full moon in Gemini. This crystal bridges the gap between intelligence and intuition, helping you to navigate the duality of this Air energy sign with balance and clarity. As the full moon deepens your emotions and thoughts, sodalite encourages self-awareness, allowing you to release old beliefs or emotional turmoil.

What should you do with your crystals after a full moon?

Once you’ve charged your crystals, there are several steps you can take to incorporate their new energy into your daily life and manifestation practices.

Set goals with your crystals: On your own run, hold each crystal in your hand and score according to their unique power and properties. Talk or reflect on your goals, aspirations or specific areas of life where you need support.

Carry crystals with you: Keep your charged crystals close to you by putting them in your pocket, wearing them as jewelry or keeping them in a small pocket. Having them close ensures that their energy surrounds your aura, providing ongoing support and protection.

Decorate your own space: With intention and purpose, place your crystals in places around your home and work space.

Moonstone: Place your moonstone under your pillow or beside your bed to increase intuition and emotional balance.

Citrine: Keep citrine in your workspace or in a place where you meditate or set goals to enhance creativity and mental clarity.

Blue Lace Agate: Carry blue lace agate in your pocket when making decisions to enhance self-awareness and focus.

Sodalite: Place sodalite on your altar or sacred space to increase self-awareness during meditation.

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